
Take-Two tycker Google misslyckats med att hålla sina Stadia-löften

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Lanseringen av Google Stadia var brutal, tyvärr mestadels nästan rakt igenom på fel sätt. Flera utlovade funktioner saknades liksom exklusiva spel och i slutändan var spelarna därför kallsinniga. Även om antalet användare ökat rejält sedan ett 'prova på'-abonnemang lanserats, så går det fortfarande trögt. Nu säger Take-Two Interactives högste chef Strauss Zelnick i samband med Bernstein Annual Strategic Decisions Conference att Google misslyckats med att hålla sina löften:

"Streaming technology is upon us. The launch of Stadia has been slow. I think there was some overpromising on what the technology could deliver and some consumer disappointment as a result."

Det betyder dock inte att Zelnick inte tror på streamade spel. Tvärtom:

"Anytime you broaden distribution you potentially broaden your audience, which is why we supported the release of Stadia with three titles initially and will continue to support high-quality streaming services as long as the business model makes sense. Over time I believe streaming will work...

The belief that streaming was going to be transformative was based on a view that there were loads of people who really had an interest in interactive entertainment, really wanted to pay for it, but just didn't want to have a console. I'm not sure that turned out to be the case."

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Take-Two tycker Google misslyckats med att hålla sina Stadia-löften

Tack Gamespot

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