
Bungie: "Destiny handlar om val"

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Gillen McAllister talade nyligen med Bungies community manager, David Dague, om hur spelare kommer kunna forma sina egna äventyr i Destiny via valen de gör och utrustningen de använder.

"It's not just about defeating your enemies and completing your missions, becoming more powerful over time," sade Dague. "It's about being a member of a large community that is sharing that adventure with you, alongside of you. Going into places like The Tower, where Guardians will meet up, look at each other and say: "where did you get that?""

Destiny utlovas vara fyllt till bredden med bakgrundhistoria och spelardrivet narrativ. Dague förklarade hur de val du gör och den utrustning du använder kommer kunna berätta något om dig för andra spelare:

"The gear that you acquire along the way, the weapons that you win, or earn, or score by completing your missions, will be the things that define you. They will tell a story about you, and all of these things will also have their own backstory. So at a glance I'll be able to tell what type of player you are. I'll be able to tell what sort of destinations you've conquered. I'll be able to tell what game modes you prefer. I'll be able to tell how far you might be through the story. That's what we mean by "Become Legend." You have a reputation that precedes you, because you're awesome at this game."

"It's all about choices, it's all about your decision"


Det råder ingen brist på fans som vill veta så mycket som möjligt om Halo-utvecklarnas kommande spel. Bungies community manager berättar om deras försök att hitta balansen mellan att ge fans vad det vill ha och att hålla detaljer hemliga för att inte avslöja för mycket:

"We're sticking to our vision of a world that you want to visit again and again. Interesting mysteries to solve, deep, interesting adventures that you'll share with other people. And we'll keep some of our cards close enough to our vest so that when you finally get a chance to play yourself, there's still some surprises packed into that experience."

Destiny släpps till PS3, Xbox 360, PS4 och Xbox One nästa år.


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