
Adam Driver hoppar på Francis Ford Coppolas nya film

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Det har tagit 20 år för Gudfadern-regissören Francis Ford Coppola att förverkliga sitt drömprojekt Megalopolis, ett science fiction-drama som Coppola finansierar ur egen ficka, och nu meddelar Deadline att rollerna har blivit spikade. Det blir Adam Driver, Forest Whitaker, Nathalie Emmanuel, Jon Voight och Laurence Fishburne som får ta del av Coppolas utopi.

Coppola står för både regi och manus, som kretsar kring en arkitekt som vill återuppbygga New York efter att en förödande katastrof drabbat staden. Detta hade regissören att säga om drömprojektet:

"What would make me really happy? It's not winning a lot of Oscars because I already have a lot and maybe more than I deserve. And it's not that I make a lot of money, although I think over time it will make a lot of money because anything that the people keep looking at and finding new things, that makes money. So somewhere down the line, way after I'm gone, all I want is for them to discuss [Megalopolis] and, is the society we're living in the only one available to us? How can we make it better? Education, mental health? What the movie really is proposing is that utopia is not a place. It's how can we make everything better? Every year, come up with two, three or four ideas that make it better. I would be smiling in my grave if I thought something like that happened, because people talk about what movies really mean if you give them something. If you encouraged people to discuss marriage and education and health and justice and opportunities and freedom and all these wonderful things that human beings have conceived of. And ask the question, how can we make it even better? That would be great. Because I bet you they would make it better if they had that conversation."

Han tillade att han inte oroar sig för filmens ekonomiska risk:

"What's the worst that can happen to me? I'm going to die and be broke? I'm not going to be broke. My kids are all successful. They're going to have this beautiful place...You've seen Inglenook. They're going to have that. I'm confident that if you can make a film that people can keep getting something out of for 10, 20 or more years, you will not lose money. I look at my movies. They're all being looked at 50 years later. The Outsiders, Dracula, they are still seen. My films, the more weird they are, the longer they seem to last. I don't even know why."

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Adam Driver hoppar på Francis Ford Coppolas nya film
Coppola står själv för filmens 100 miljoner dollar...

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