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Nästa Generations Diskformat(Rätt Tråd)

Varför vänta när man kan få HD nu? Dessutom räcker Blu-ray alldeles utmärkt för filmer. Fast vi får se hur det blir när sagan om ringen-trilogin släpps om det trycker in varje film på en skiva eller om de separerar dem till 2.
Let me burn you let me burn you let me burn you down. Let me burn you let me burn you let me burn you down. Let me let me let me. BURN YOU DOWN.
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Citerar oejl:
blu-ray har jo redan vunnit det visste man jo redan från början. Fattar inte varfö microsft satsade på HD-DVD?

De satsade inte riktigt på HD-DVD. De räckte ut en hjälpande hand till Toshiba medan de hade den andra Blu-Rays kexlåda. De var med och hjälpte till med utvecklingen av Blu-Ray och tjänar därför en hacka på varje Blu-Ray-film som blir såld.

En HD-DVD add-on gjordes till Xbox 360 främst för att hålla igång kriget mellan formaten medan Microsoft kunde satsa på och sprida digital distrubition. De var antagligen medvetna om att HD-DVD aldrig kunde vinna ett krig mot en miljonsäljande Blu-Ray spelare i PS3; vilket var därför de delvis hoppade på Blu-Ray-tåget. Men HD-DVD-stödet användes för att bromsa Blu-Rays oundvikliga vinst.
'Carefree Wherever You May Be...Don't Trust Your Wives With John Terry'
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Intressant snack om en analkande "Blu-ray dödare"

Blu-ray Killer to Arrive in 2009
A new optical format from Royal Digital Media

ight now, Sony's Blu-ray is, without a doubt, the optical disc format capable of providing the largest amount of space for one's data or movies. However, it would seem that things are about to change quite soon, since a company called Royal Digital Media plans to introduce, in early 2009, what can only be described as a possible killer of the BD.

Thus, it would seem that RDM has developed a high-definition system that exceeds the capabilities of Blu-ray, being able to offer storage capacities of up to 100 GB on a single disc, compared to 50 GB for the BD. Moreover, RDM's increase in storage capacity allows for a single disc to hold approximately four hours of video content at 1920p resolution.

"The mission of RDM is to replace traditional DVD technologies with a comprehensive, next generation HD system," said Eugene Levich, RDM's chief executive officer. "The industry's problem, which Sony has been unable to solve with Blu-ray, is how to transition into HD without destroying the existing DVD industry or gouging the pocketbooks of consumers. We have the solution and can solve this without having to drastically overhaul the entire infrastructure of DVD production."

Apparently, besides providing larger storage space, the red-laser technology from RDM will also bring about some pretty impressive price cuts, whether we're talking about the price of the discs themselves or that of the players. According to the company's own statement, the technology can be very easily implemented into existing DVD production processes through the integration of a proprietary software and firmware system, which means that existing DVD manufacturers will be able to integrate RDM's technology with only minor modifications to their production processes.

The price of the standalone players will also be considerably smaller than the one of BD-enabled machines, but these devices will also be able to play traditional CDs and DVDs, as well as upscale the video.

Of course, it remains to be seen whether this format will actually be able to go against the already well-established Blu-ray, but the company developing it seems to be quite optimistic, since apparently there are already a few hardware manufacturers out there quite eager to implement this technology in their future products.
'Carefree Wherever You May Be...Don't Trust Your Wives With John Terry'
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''Men cry not for themselves, but for their comrades.''
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