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Beyond Good & Evil 2

Det var då en ful gris
So the floodgates open but nothing comes out.
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Citerar G5I:
En person som påstår sig jobba hos Ubisoft kommer med info som låter smaskigt om det stämmer.

Hoppas det stämmer. Låter ju helt underbart.
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  • G5I
  • G5I
Haruhi shugi: Absolut. Utan tvekan.
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Citerar Janis_Joplin:
En person som påstår sig jobba hos Ubisoft kommer med info som låter smaskigt om det stämmer.

Det han sa om sido-uppdrag hoppas jag är sant, det skulle alltid vara roligt med side-missions.
I'm livin' in a very confusing dream. I want to get out of it but i can't, not because it's a dream, because if you wan't to solve a murder you got to be prepared for the worst. I'm being tested, not by god, by the villian inside me.
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Citerar G5I:
Cristophe Heral kommer att göra musiken i BG&E 2 också.

If you're a girl under the age of twelve and you're high on marijuana - Don't ride your bike.
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Citerar G5I:
Cristophe Heral kommer att göra musiken i BG&E 2 också.

Har originalets soundtrack på burken -- riktigt fina grejer.
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  • Too
  • Too
Hela förra spelet var perfa, utom slutbossen. För att:


Jag tycker det är ren idioti att vända på kontrollerna.

"I didn't lose, I just didn't have good enough weapons."
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  • G5I
  • G5I
Jag ber om ursäkt för att jag kommer med den här informationen lite sent.
I en intervju(
) berättar Michel Ancel lite grann om spelet.

Basically about BGE2:

* A lot of returning characters, they really want to keep the spirit of the first game and the same atmosphere/topics (medias, army, etc). However, the general presentation will differ (nothing more than what we saw in the teaser).
He explains the reason for that is, the first BGE was supposed to be much more cinematographic to begin with. He remembers when they were making a document for Sony about BGE1 to get a developpement kit, they had to say why their game was original and different from the others, and the first words of the document were things like "immersive" or "finally we get to feel like in a movie while playing a game", and then then when they received the kit, playing around with the hardware they realized Emotion Engine wasn't as technically awesome as it was promised or at least not awesome enough for what they had prepared, so they had to tone down their vision of the game to make it possible on the 128bits.

Now with the next gen consoles they have the necessary horsepower to do what they originally wanted to do.
He says that even though to the public it may seem like a different game, it's really what they wanted to do at first, and it totally keeps the spirit of the first game.
The universe will be a lot more dense for example.

* Interviewer asks if that means they're automatically ruling out the Wii. He says there's always a possibility of ports or even specific versions for "those consoles", but right now their focus is on next-gen (note : next-gen obviously refers to this gen. Yeah, I know.).
Asked if the title is scheduled to be a 360/PS3/PC mutliplat, he doesn't say anything relevant either.

* Also :
Interviewer : "Is it a direct sequel or more like 10 years after or something" ?
Ancel : "Well that's a nice thing to discover when you'll play it"
Ancel : [laughs]

Though he does say it is a continuation of the first one's story, with lots of references to its key events.

* The game is still in pre-production.
Gameplay-wise, the game will be different from the first one. If they were to make the same game with just a new story, the game would already be out as they've been working on it for more than a year and a half.
They want to do what they weren't able to do last gen. The game was supposed to be bigger, more immersive, it was supposed to have more investigations, etc. and that's still their exact focus. They really want the player to be in another universe, and make the limits of said universe seemingly invisible (note : if you played the first one, you know it had a much more clever approach to exploration limitations than invisible walls, that's what they're going to push forward).
All of this means they have to invent new processes, new tools (all from a technical standpoint). They're not going "we need that game out in 2010 so let's do as much as we can in that time frame".
They know what they want, and the actual developpement of the game won't begin as long as they're aren't satisfied with the tools they have. (note : So apparently Ubi as an editor isn't rushing anything, which is always nice to know.) It takes a lot of planning, a lot of thinking, a lot of engineering, a lot of testing so it takes a lot of time.
He compares it to the creation of a new camera system, or Nintendo's new interfaces. Sometimes you have a promising prototype, but it doesn't really work well, so you don't know if it will be able to do what you want, and if it doesn't you'll have to create something else, so you can't tell people "okay it's coming !" because you're not even sure you're on the good track. Basically, they don't know when they will be done with the technical stuff, so they don't know when they'll begin the actual production, let alone when it will be finished.

That's why they don't have a set release date.

He also explains the commercial failure of the first one.

The interesting bit is when he says that they didn't put a great emphasis on the communication/marketing side because the first Rayman is a game that sold almost "on his own".
A new character, a new universe, good critics, and it sold a lot.
And they though it would be the same for BGE. "It was the team that made Rayman, it also had the new characters and universe, so we thought it would work out the same way"
"We overlooked the fact than, ten years or so after the first Rayman, obviously the market was very different, and we didn't realize the marketing side of things was so much more important than it was back then".
"Ubisoft was looking at the sales, waiting for them to pick-up, not knowing if they should up the marketing dose or not, and there was also Prince Of Persia at the same time"

So that's why it bombed.

He adds that even though it was a disappointment (obviously), the team didn't live it as a terrible failure or anything. They knew the game was great by the critics, they hadn't rushed it to the market.

When asked if it will be fixed for when Beyond Good & Evil 2 releases, he compares the two games.
"When we first showed the game (the first BGE) at E3, we had absolutely zero feedback from the press. They had to cover a lot of games at the same time, big blockbusters and highly anticipated games, and BGE wasn't one of them"
The difference is, he explains, the game has now kind of snowballed along the years, and people are actually asking for BGE2, it's now an anticipated game, and a lot more players know about it.
So the first one, even though it failed at first, acts like a pedestal for the next one.
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Låter lovande. De får använda den tid de behöver, de behöver inte rusha. Spelet kan lika gärna släppa om 10 år...(actually, please not!).
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Citerar Th3 End:
Låter lovande. De får använda den tid de behöver, de behöver inte rusha. Spelet kan lika gärna släppa om 10 år...(actually, please not!).

Ne fy tusan aldrig att jag kan vänta tio år på det här spelet. Ge mig nu!!
Gamer FL <3
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Thomato: Ser riktigt häftigt ut.
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Riktigt snyggt!

Fast jag måste erkänna att det påminner mig väl mycket om jakt-scenerna i ettan. Jag hade ju hoppats att del två skulle vara en aning mer åt adventure-hållet och en aning mindre åt action-hållet.

Ja-ja, vi får se vad det blir.

Tillagt 2009-05-09 10:37:
Citerar G5I:
The game was supposed to be bigger, more immersive, it was supposed to have more investigations, etc
One mans worthless, is another mans priceless...
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Den är förrenderad.
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  • G5I
  • G5I
Väldigt synd att dem inte visade Jades ansikte. Vi får väl hoppas på mer info på E3.
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Detta är mitt mest efterlängtade spel just nu. Jag får nog kanske köpa mig en PS3 för det här.
Om man inte var så lat skulle man göra något skitepiskt
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Om den där filmen visade in-game-grafik när man spelar så blir det ett köp direkt. Förutom att det såg supersnyggt ut så såg det även superkul ut. Faith möter Altaïr.
Let me burn you let me burn you let me burn you down. Let me burn you let me burn you let me burn you down. Let me let me let me. BURN YOU DOWN.
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Citerar PumpkinEater:
Om den där filmen visade in-game-grafik när man spelar så blir det ett köp direkt.

Det var inte in-game, men kanske ger en vink om hur gameplayet kan te sig.
Om man inte var så lat skulle man göra något skitepiskt
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  • G5I
  • G5I
I det senaste numret av Jeux Vidéo Magazine berättar Michel Ancel att spelet har lagts på is för tillfället. Han och hans team väljer att koncentrera sig på ett projekt i taget. Dem anser att dagens konsoler är lite begränsade när det kommer till att ge den bästa möjliga upplevelsen. Sen när skapandet av spelet blev mindre intressant beslöt han att lägga spelet åt sidan och komma tillbaka när det är moget ur en teknisk synpunkt. Dem har dock kommit långt i många aspekter såsom storleken på världen och kontrollen.

Det här lät inte ett dugg bra. Verkar som om att vi har fått oss ett nytt Duke Nukem Forever om halsen.
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Citerar Th3 End:
F4n vad bra!

Ja, jag vet. Jag citerar mig själv. Men inte för att BG&E2 verkar bli bra utan att det faktum att jag slutade använda en Fyra istället för A.
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