
IOC: Våldsamma spel kommer aldrig att inkluderas i OS

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Debatten om huruvida esport ska göras till en del av OS har pågått i lång tid nu och nu har OS-pampen och "International Olympic Committee President" Thomas Bach pratat med Associated Press om situationen och han menar att våldsamma spel som Counter-Strike, Overwatch, Call of Duty eller Street Fighter V är helt uteslutna.

"We cannot have in the Olympic program a game which is promoting violence or discrimination. So-called killer games. They, from our point of view, are contradictory to the Olympic values and cannot therefore be accepted." Of course every combat sport has its origins in a real fight among people. But sport is the civilised expression about this. If you have egames where it's about killing somebody, this cannot be brought into line with our Olympic values."

IOC: Våldsamma spel kommer aldrig att inkluderas i OS

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